Thursday, 19 May 2011

Kitchen Garden Update - New Sponsors and Supporters join us!

As term two has got underway, we have begun our first cooking classes in the temporary kitchen area, with children putting together some fantastic pumpkin gnocchi with sage butter and a lovely caesar saladm topped off with a raspberry coconut slice. The children have worked with such purpose and have been really keen to try new flavours. As we are only running half classes at the moment, they have also really enjoyed cooking for the rest of the classm who have obviously enjoyed eating the efforts.

In some other excellent news, we are pleased to announce that Blue Cottage Almonds of Willunga have come on board as principal sponsors of our orchard. Proprietor Jude McBain is a local food identity and has been supportive of our kitchen garden program since the very early days of it's inception and it is fantastic to have the support of Blue Cottage Almonds.

Our Autumn / Winter Garden is coming along nicely, despite the best efforts of some very hungry cabbage moths. We recently received another awesome donation, this time in the form of a chicken coop, from school supporter and mentor Peter Dossett. The children were very excited to see the arrival of the coop and are looking even more forward to seeing the arrival of the hens when the run and coop have been properly established.
The harvest and the menu